Since its inception in 2019, T.A.M.A.R. has diverted and housed 387 justice-involved individuals.
Our Transformative Approaches to Managed Aftercare Reentry Program (T.A.M.A.R.) provides recidivism reduction tools, workforce development services, high-demand occupational training, and tier level housing support opportunities that empower justice-involved individuals and recently released persons to abstain from criminogenic behavior. Our T.A.M.A.R. Program offers:
Cognitive-Intervention Courses
Job Readiness
Employment Placement
AA/NA Support Groups
Parole Mandated Courses
Clothing Assistance
Volunteer Opportunities
Financial Literacy Courses and Credit Counseling
MHMR Resources
Transportation Assistance
Our EduVerse Program partners with Dallas College and gives our clients the option to complete a 12-week Megatronics & Robotics Course that will lead to a certification and a career.